Edible Books
We invite you to create a book made of edible materials to bring to the Columbia College Chicago Library on April 1st where it will be consumed by book-loving gourmets. This year's theme is 'Banned Books.'
Rules and Guidelines for Creating an Edible Book
- Edible Books must be composed primarily of edible materials (toothpicks and other structural elements are allowed).
- Individuals or groups may register to create a sculpture.
- Make sure the Edible Book is brought in fully or close to fully-assembled as there will be little time for assembly on location.
- Entries should not require refrigeration (for example, ice and ice cream).
- We encourage you to bring a copy of the book which inspired your creation so that we can display them side-by-side.
Please be prepared to send us a finalized list of ingredients used in your sculpture.
Registration begins on February 13 and ends on March 23.
Event Details
- When? Monday, April 1st, 2024 from 4-6pm
- Where? Columbia College Chicago Library, 624 S. Michigan Ave., 3rd Floor, East
- Entries must be dropped off and set up in the library on April 1st between 3-4pm
- Register to attend this event in Engage.
Voting Categories Include
- Best in Show
- Most Book-Like
- Best Visual Pun
- Best Presentation
- Most Likely to be Devoured.
Need some inspiration? Check out past examples and pictures from this event:
Edible Books Examples
Note: By entering the competition you are granting Columbia permission to photograph your entry.